Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Power saving LED lamp from your scrap box. බිදිගිය සි එෆ් එල් බල්බයක කවරයක් ආධාර කරගෙන සුදු එල් ඊඩි භාවිතයෙන් විදුලිබලය ඉතිරිකරන බල්බයක් සාදාගමු

Power saving LED lamp from your scrap box.බිදිගිය සි එෆ් එල් බල්බයක කවරයක් ආධාර කරගෙන සුදු එල් ඊඩි භාවිතයෙන් විදුලිබලය ඉතිරිකරන බල්බයක් සාදාගමු

In this article he is showing a method to convert a broken/defunct CFL into a LED based power saving light.

The is just a LED lamp circuit that can be operated from the mains voltage. A string of five LED is driven using a capacitive transformer less power supply. In the circuit 0.47uF/400V Polyester capacitor C1 reduces the mains voltage. R1 is a bleeder resistor which drains the stored charge from C1 when the AC input is switched OFF. Resistors R2 and R3 limits the inrush of current when the circuit is switched ON. Diodes D1 to D4 forms a bridge rectifier that rectifies the reduced AC voltage and C2 acts as a filter capacitor. Finally Zener diode D1 provides regulation and the LEDs are driven.


Circuit diagram.

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